Spatial Energy Cleansing

Spacial energy cleansing

What is it?

Spatial Energy Cleansing can be performed through dowsing, clairsentience and clairvoyance. 
Throughout the years, I have intuitively learned how to combine rituals, protection practices, and cleansings from various cultures from around the world.
Spatial energy cleansings are performed with different pendulums, and plants, with the objective of generating spatial wellbeing. 
Because I am an architect, I connect my psychic and mediumship gifts with my architectural knowledge, proposing new distributions, colors, and furniture for homes or workplaces.   

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Foto Tomada de

limpieza energética espacial

Why does it work long-distance?

There are no physical boundaries when working with the spiritual realm and other interdimensional beings. Therefore, these therapies can be performed long-distance, no matter the time or the place. 

The sessions are held on Zoom, Google Meets, Google Hangouts, FaceTime, Skype or Instagram video call. The therapy requires the blueprints or a drawing of the space that will be cleansed in order to correctly perform the session.


  • Equilibra los espacios.
  • Genera paz.
  • Mejora el sueño.
  • Contribuye a la armonización de relaciones.
  • Disminuye las tensiones.
  • Aumenta la energía positiva.
  • Puede ayudar al flujo positivo de proyectos personales.


  • El precio varía dependiendo de los metros cuadrados del espacio. 
  • Si vives en Colombia el precio mínimo es COP 250,000.
  • Si vives fuera de Colombia el precio mínimo es USD 88.
  • Te llegará un mensaje a través de WhatsApp con los datos de la transferencia bancaria para el pago oportuno.

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